Oh My Gorgeous! I know, know what lame way to start blogging but whatever. On Thursday, well, obviously we have a pile of homeworks to do cuz uhuh school holidays! I love the fact that we get a break but i hate homework! Who doesn't? You might be wondering, why chapter 4? HAHAHA..Science? Male and female reproductive system? Eww...it was so ehem, ehem and very boring plus sensitive. I am glad she did not reach the zenith of the chapter.
I was really sleepy because this Missy Electronics came and when on and on about boring electronics. BUT. I was jaunty with myself because I completed the weird and annoying light bulb circuit. Wohoo! Later, when i came home sweet home, I did researched on social networking and found some awesome pictures. I'll tell ya guys later. Ok maybe now.
Maryam's Discovery Guide (Photography)
Awesome Picture Must Look Websites:
1.Photobucket (ok la)
3. Google Images (normal kan?)
Ok people. Adios Amigos. Do continue reading :)
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nice, funny, great, cool